The Brewers Association (BA) Export Development Program (EDP) will be participating at the Fancy Food Summer Show in Washington, DC (July 10-12, 2011). This will be similar to the BA EDP booth at the Fancy Food Winter Show that we participated in San Francisco last year in January. This is open to current BA EDP subscribers – contact Mark Snyder for information to particpate through the BA EDP.
A commitment to booth space is required by MONDAY, January 17, 2011. We realize that this is short notice, but due to limited space available we need to know who is interested in participating in the 2011 summer Fancy Food Show.
Last year there were some breweries that wanted to participate after we finalized our booth space at the Fancy Food Show in San Francisco (January 2010), but we were not able to accommodate them. Please contact Mark Snyder today if interested.
At this time we have reserved space for 12 EDP member breweries to participate. If more than 12 breweries respond that they would like to participate, we will try to increase the booth size if space is still available.
The concept will be to create an American Craft Beer pavilion within the Fancy Food show similar to what the Brewers Association does at the National Beer Wholesalers Association Trade Show in Las Vegas every other year and similar to what we did last year January at the Fancy Food Winter Show in San Francisco.
57th Summer Fancy Food Show
July 11-12, 2011
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC
Though this is a domestic event, it is eligible for expenditure under our EDP grant since it attracts a large contingent of international buyers. For this reason, it represents a good opportunity for brewers to gain exposure in the domestic market while advancing the EDP’s interest in showcasing American craft beer to international trade and media.
The BA has purchased space for 12 individual breweries to participate and represent their own products. With this in mind, we are requesting brewery feedback to the following questions:
1. Would your brewery have interest in participating in this show with the following parameters in mind:
a. Due to the BA’s cost sharing requirement for EDP, and overall costs for this show, a fee of $500 would be charged for breweries wishing to secure a space in the BA pavilion. This fee would be in addition to a brewery’s annual EDP subscription fee.
b. Each 10’x10’ booth at the Fancy Food show sells for $3,300. The Export Development Program will pay this fee for participating Export Development Program member breweries through the Brewers Association’s Market Access Program grant.
c. Space allocation for each brewery will be determined by how many breweries participate. We will endeavor to provide each participating brewery with a 4’ draped table space in a rectangular booth space that is 16’ long (4 tables on each side) and 12’ wide (3 tables on end cap).
d. Breweries wishing to participate will be required to allocate staff to man their space and represent their products. BA staff will not be available to represent individual brands and pour products for those not able to attend.
e. The BA will cover booth space purchase, booth set-up, decoration, and a consolidated shipment of samples to the show.
f. Breweries will be responsible for product donation, sample shipment to Boulder or directly to the show, booth staffing, and the additional fee for space within the BA Craft Beer area.
g. Participating breweries need to be a member of the NASFT to exhibit at the Fancy Food Show.
Please email Mark Snyder ( by MONDAY, January 17th, 2011 with a statement of interest if you believe your brewery would like to participate in the 2011 Fancy Food Summer Show, July 10-12, 2011.
Mark L. Snyder
Export Development Program Manager & BA Forum Moderator
Brewers Association