American Craft Beer International Sales Grow in 2009

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In what is becoming a true success story, American craft beer exports again grew in 2009. The Brewers Association (BA) reports estimated international sales by independent craft brewers up 9 percent by volume for 2009, with some regions seeing export increases of more than 25 percent.

The Brewers Association’s recently-concluded annual export survey revealed that for the seventh consecutive year (representing all years for which data has been collected), U.S. craft beer exports increased substantially. In 2009, BA Export Development Program (EDP) subscribers exported more than 1.4 million gallons of beer, representing a 9 percent increase over total export volumes in 2008.

The increase in international sales is substantial in light of the lingering global economic recession. Despite decreasing purchasing power, consumer demand for American craft beers has remained strong and importers have continued to expand their portfolios of American craft beer brands. Sweden continues to represent the largest single export market for American craft beer and exports to Canada and the UK are growing considerably.

“The 2009 export numbers for U.S. Craft breweries is clear evidence that beer drinkers across the globe are continuing to demand and enjoy the brewing creativity, style diversity, and high quality that are hallmarks of US craft brewers,” said Brett Joyce, CEO of Rogue Ales and EDP Steering Committee Chair.

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