Combining Lactic Acid Bacteria and Yeasts for Sour Beer Production

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Speaker: Kevin Lane

Sours are complex and trendy beers that belong to a long list of flavorful beer styles. Nowadays brewers are looking for flavor diversification, often achieved by mixed fermentations, but they also want a shorter brew time and high yield, which can present a challenge for craft brewers.

Kettle souring is an easy way to produce sour beers in which acidity is achieved through two wort boiling steps. The first boil sterilizes the non-hopped wort produced during the mash and acidifies the wort with Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) that triggers a controlled lactic acid fermentation. The second boil, along with the addition of hops, ensures the annihilation of the living LAB cells. Then, as in regular beer production, alcoholic fermentation occurs.

Fermentis has produced different sour beers with various fermentation combinations of LAB strains (homo or hetero-fermentative strains) and Saccharomyces yeast strains (neutral, fruity, POF+). For each of these combinations, we performed both biochemical analysis (fermentation kinetics, organic acid production, and more) and sensorial evaluation on the final beers and found that LAB strains have a clear impact on their flavor profile.

Learn more about what we discovered in this webinar.

About the Speaker

Kevin Lane

Kevin Lane, Technical Sales Support Manager – The Americas


Kevin Lane has a bachelor's degree in Integrated Science and Business with an emphasis in Operations Management and biochemistry. He has been in the beer and potable alcohol industries for over 13 years. He worked for Briess Malt & Ingredients Co. before working for a chemical fermentation company producing food and beverage flavor and aroma products. He joined MillerCoors in 2009, where he ran the pilot brewery, both on the 40L as well as the 10 BBL system and was a member of their Global Taste Panel for three years. In late 2013, Kevin continued his career in the potable alcohol industries, working for Fermentis as the Technical Sales Manager of the U.S. and Canada and now as the Technical Sales Support Manager of the Americas. Kevin has been involved in all aspects of the Fermentis business in North America, working in the craft and industrial distilling markets, home and commercial wine and cider making, and in the home, craft, and industrial brewing segments. Kevin has been a judge at international beer competitions (Copa Cervesa and Copa Cervesa Mexico), as well as a speaker at a wide variety of conferences, including MBAA district meetings (Ontario, Milwaukee, Texas), SEA Brew (South East Asia Brewing Conference), HomebrewCon, the CCBA, and others.

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