The Brewers Association is now accepting nominations from BA members for three awards which will be presented at the Craft Brewers Conference in Denver, Colo. Each year these awards recognize the accomplishments of those who have been leaders in the craft beer community. Please take a few moments to consider who you would like to see receive one of these prestigious awards this spring. There are three separate awards and you can view more of the details about them and submit your nominations by following the links below.
Brewers Association’s Recognition Award
The nominations are open to individuals or companies whose inspiration, enthusiasm and support have contributed to the craft brewing movement.
F.X. Matt Defense of the Industry Award
The nominations are open to individuals who have given aid and support to the causes of small, independent brewers and by doing so supported the Brewers Association’s goal of vigorously defending our industry.
Russell Schehrer Award for Innovation in Brewing (Please note that nominations for this award may be submitted by BREWERY members only)
Nominees should have exhibited innovation and excellence in the field of craft brewing. Innovations may be in the areas of beer styles, brewing techniques, technical brewing or in the use of innovative methods to further the appreciation and promotion of the craft brewing industry. Nominees should also have shown a willingness to share their knowledge for the betterment of the brewing community as a whole. Prior winners of the Russell Schehrer Award are not eligible for nomination as it is considered to be a lifetime achievement award. Nominees should be individuals who were actively employed by a brewery at some point during the year preceding the nomination. Nominations are for individuals, not groups, partners or companies.
BA members are encouraged to submit nominations using the links above.
The deadline to submit nominations is March 5, 2014.