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Malt Flavor: Why the Craft Industry Gives a Chit

In 2015, the ASBC Sensory Subcommittee identified a major gap in raw materials research: no standardized method of malt sensory analysis. A small team, led by Cassie Poirier from Briess, pioneered a project to develop one. Since its advent and …Read More


Budgeting and Managing Brewhouse Raw Materials

Outside of salaries, brewhouse materials are the most expensive cost associated with making beer. Recognizing the cost drivers in the brewhouse is important to having a complete understanding of your brewery’s profitability. This presentation will provide in-depth insight into budgeting …Read More

Michigan State University Malting Barley Quality Lab

In response to the rapidly growing craft beer industry in Michigan, farmers throughout the state are bringing malting barley back into their crop rotation to supply the growing demand for locally sourced ingredients. High quality grain with the potential to …Read More

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The New Brewer: Raw Materials Issue

Malt Care & Handling

As every brewer knows, malt is a natural and perishable product. How can brewers preserve malt quality as much as possible and thus extend its shelf life?


Craft Malting and the Rebel Alliance

Experts discuss the revolutionary power of craft malting and small-scale barley farming. Over the last 100 years, breweries have moved away from malting their own barley to buying a small number of barley varieties from a small number of producers. …Read More

Displaying results 31-40 of 65