Launching Three New USA Hop Varieties
This tasting seminar launches three new U.S. hop varieties that debuted in 2013, two released by Washington State University and one released by USDA-ARS. Read More
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The resources in this section are all about hops. Find everything from navigating hop contracts to updates on the hop industry, and from to dry-hopping techniques to understanding pure distilled hop oils.
This tasting seminar launches three new U.S. hop varieties that debuted in 2013, two released by Washington State University and one released by USDA-ARS. Read More
We all rely on high quality hops and barley to make our delicious brews, but what goes into growing those crops? What inputs are required to grow essential ingredients? Learn about the hurdles and successes faced by hop and barley …Read More
Local” and “sustainable” are no longer trendsÑthey are societal shifts. Beer plays an increasingly important role in this evolution. This team will discuss these agents of change Read More
Experts Tom Nielson and Vinnie Cilurzo cover the dry hop process procedures and resulting beer flavor and aroma attributes of different dry hopping methods ranging from small to large scale and with differing hop materials. Read More
Co-founder and brewmaster of Victory Brewing Company Ron Barchet focuses on the qualities German hops contribute to American craft beer and the emerging trends involving these hops. Tasting samples courtesy of the German Hop Growers Association will be provided. Read More
Mitch and his co-presenters offer a summary of hop variety flavor based on dry-hop studies and a study of bitterness as beer goes through brewhouse processes. Read More
The Hop Quality Group presents some of the recent findings and provides an on-the-ground update on the changes occurring with hops for craft brewers. Read More
As more brewies enter the market, they may need to compete for limited raw materials. This presentation gives brewery start-ups the information needed to secure raw materials. Read More