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Displaying results 281-290 of 292
tnbnd13 Imperial Sticke Collab 600x400 1
The New Brewer: Raw Materials Issue

Imperial Sticke Collaboration

A dozen brewers from four continents assembled at a small brewery near Talagante in the Santiago Metropolitan Region of Chile to brew a “doppelbock-like” version of altbier.

tnbja13 Managing Quality 600x400 1
The New Brewer: Technical Brewing Issue

Managing Quality with Checklists

Establishing checklists based on standard operating procedures can turn all aspects of brewery operation into documented, sequential processes, essential during rapid change.

The Season for IPAs

Although the category has been increasing in popularity for years, based on IRI Group data through 12/1/13, it appears that 2013 will be the year that IPAs are the most popular craft beer category in the off-premise channel.Read More

tnbnd12 pharaoh ale 600x400 1
The New Brewer: Raw Materials Issue

Pharaoh Ale

The author and companions at the Portsmouth Brewery set out to replicate an ancient Egyptian brew using some concessions to modern tastes and equipment.

tnbjf12 beer cost 600x400 1
The New Brewer: Brewpubs Issue

What Does Your Beer Really Cost?

If you don’t have a clear view of the cost of your beer, you may be pouring dollars down the drain. A well-established cost analysis will provide invaluable data.

tnbja12 operations manual 1140x500 1
The New Brewer: Technical Brewing Issue

Creating a Brewery Operations Manual

At the heart of any successful business is a good operating system. Without this you are basically operating by the seat of your pants, no matter how good your beer is.

Displaying results 281-290 of 292