CBC 2024 Events Seminars

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Hosting events at taprooms creates opportunities for breweries to engage with their customer base in fun and meaningful ways. The following seminars from the 2024 Craft Brewers Conference® focus on tactics to maintain successful customer engagement.

brewery patrons in a taproom

Getting Guests into Your Taproom and Keeping Them There

You’ve made the beer, packaged it, and the space looks great—but now how do you get the guests in the seats, and keep them there drinking beer? This seminar provides taproom management staff with thoughtful ways to create and prepare events and programs that fit your space, staff, and brand. Discussion includes the four pillars of programming and entertainment, a guide to follow for considering any size event, and examples and ideas you can bring home to your taproom. Panelists walk through questions to ask during all stages from planning to preparation to execution, which help put event coordinators, marketers, and ownership on the same page. Helpful tips will also be provided to make sure your event is well attended and easily replicated.

See full seminar details.

Two people shake hands at a brewery event

The 10×10 Taproom: Turning Events into a Retail Profit Arm

Owned premise sales offer high profit margins and brand control but come with high initial and ongoing costs. West Sixth Brewing found success with mobile taprooms, investing in events instead of new locations. Their events program generates significant revenue and brand visibility. Learn their approach to profitable events in this seminar.

See full seminar details.

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