Brewery Safety

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The Brewers Association (BA) brewery safety online courses address the need for occupational safety and health (OSH) training in the craft brewing industry. In these short video courses, task-based instruction allows students to relate learning to their specific job tasks. Learners gain an understanding of how to apply the principles of each specific OSH issue and recognize the hazards in their job tasks. A range of courses address different procedures based on where they are applied throughout the brewing process.

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Program Course List

Brewery Safety Training Course Bundle

Beverage Producer Member Price: FREE

All Other Member Price: $150

Nonmember Price: $280

This bundles includes six hours of safety training in brewery operations for production managers and employees. Each individual course offers a certificate of completion for safety documentation needs.

Courses may be purchased individually or at a bundled discount.

Brewery Safety Training Course Bundle Includes:

Individual Courses

Beverage Producer Member Price: FREE

All Other Member Price: $15

Nonmember Price: $20

This 25-minute course is designed to address hazard controls when using or working around powered industrial trucks (PIT).

Note: This course does not replace equipment-specific training to license operators.

This course is for: Brewery production managers and staff

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain material moving aids defined as PIT
  • Define the principles of PIT stability
  • Identify safeguards when moving loads with a PIT

Beverage Producer Member Price: FREE

All Other Member Price: $15

Nonmember Price: $20

This 20-minute course is designed to address hazard controls when handling grain in bags or small bulk containers such as machine guard hazards and combustible dust. Learners will receive a certificate upon completion of the course.

This course is for: Brewery production managers and staff

Learning Outcomes

  • Choose appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and ergonomics when handling grain bags
  • Identify machine guard hazards when milling grain
  • Minimize hazards associated with combustible grain dust

Beverage Producer Member Price: FREE

All Other Member Price: $15

Nonmember Price: $20

This 20-minute course is designed to address hazard controls when handling grain in grain silos, such as entanglement in machinery, grain engulfment, grain bridge hazards, confined spaces, and combustible dust when moving grain from storage silos to a grain mill. Learners will receive a certificate upon completion of the course.

This course is for: Brewery production managers and staff

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify hazards and lockout controls when working in grain conveyance systems
  • Eliminate possible engulfment hazards from grain silos
  • Practice setting basic requirements for reducing combustible dust explosions and fires
  • Define a confined space according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Beverage Producer Member Price: FREE

All Other Member Price: $15

Nonmember Price: $20

This 20-minute course is designed to address hazard controls when mashing, lautering, and cleaning. Learners will receive a certificate upon completion of the course.

This course is for: Brewery production managers and staff

Learning Outcomes   

  • Identify hazardous temperature ranges for liquids and surfaces
  • Apply the appropriate first aid treatment for second and third degree burns
  • Reduce hazards when removing spent grain from a mash tun by hand
  • Identify hazards associated with cleaning chemicals
  • Define a confined space according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Beverage Producer Member Price: FREE

All Other Member Price: $15

Nonmember Price: $20

This 30-minute course is designed to address hazard controls when cleaning a boil vessel, transferring wort from the mash tun, boiling wort, and adding necessary additions. Learners will receive a certificate upon completion of the course.

This course is for: Brewery production managers and staff

Learning Outcomes

  • Describe the hazardous effects of cleaning chemicals
  • Determine the correct order of operations when disconnecting a portable pump used to transfer wort
  • Evaluate fall protection needs when working on an elevated platform
  • Select appropriate precautionary measures for boilover hazards
  • Define a confined space according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Beverage Producer Member Price: FREE

All Other Member Price: $15

Nonmember Price: $20

This 25-minute course is designed to address hazard controls when working with cleaning and sanitizing chemicals, hot liquids and surfaces, slip and trip hazards, and other equipment post-boil. Learners will receive a certificate upon completion of the course.

This course is for: Brewery production managers and staff

Learning Outcomes

  • Select the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when handling cleaning chemicals
  • Describe cleaning chemical hazards
  • Determine the correct order of operations when disconnecting a portable transfer pump between hot vessels
  • Define a confined space according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Beverage Producer Member Price: FREE

All Other Member Price: $15

Nonmember Price: $20

This 30-minute course is designed to address hazard controls when working on elevated platforms and ladders, using sanitizing chemicals, CO2 hazards, and use of transfer equipment for pitching yeast and removing yeast. Learners will receive a certificate upon completion of the course.

This course is for: Brewery production managers and staff

Learning Outcomes

  • Specify best practices for ladder and stairway safety
  • Define maximum pressure values for pressurized fermentation vessels
  • Utilize appropriate safety devices when working with CO2
  • Recognize symptoms of CO2 overexposure

Beverage Producer Member Price: FREE

All Other Member Price: $15

Nonmember Price: $20

This 40-minute course is designed to address hazard controls when handling chemicals, transferring, cleaning, and sanitizing chemicals through a fermenter, and inspecting a fermenter before it is filled with wort. Learners will receive a certificate upon completion of the course.

This course is for: Brewery production managers and staff

Learning Outcomes

  • Describe safety information required on Globally Harmonized System (GHS)-compliant chemical labels and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs)
  • Evaluate the principles of a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI)
  • Define a confined space according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Beverage Producer Member Price: FREE

All Other Member Price: $15

Nonmember Price: $20

This 25-minute course is designed to address hazard controls involved in filtering and pumping including entanglement in machinery, filtering at high pressures, electricity exposure in wet areas, silica exposures associated with diatomaceous earth (DE) filtration, high noise levels, ergonomic risks, and exposure to cleaning and sanitizing chemicals. Learners will receive a certificate upon completion of the course.

This course is for: Brewery production managers and staff

Learning Outcomes

  • Select the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when filtering and carbonating beer
  • Assess and take precautions to reduce cleaning chemical hazards
  • Determine preventative maintenance schedules for pressure relief valves
  • Define the maximum pressure allowed in pressure-rated bright tanks
  • Describe CO2 hazards and exposure limits

Beverage Producer Member Price: FREE

All Other Member Price: $15

Nonmember Price: $20

This 30-minute course is designed to address hazard controls involved in handling chemicals, cleaning and sanitizing bright (brite) tanks and filters, and moving beer with carbon dioxide or portable pumps through filters or into bright tanks. Learners will receive a certificate upon completion of the course.

This course is for: Brewery production managers and staff

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain electrical hazards and conditions that contribute to risk
  • Evaluate hazards associated with centrifugal pumps
  • Define requirements for performing lockout tagout (LOTO) operations
  • Select precautions that reduce hazards when performing high pressure filtration

Beverage Producer Member Price: FREE

All Other Member Price: $15

Nonmember Price: $20

This 25-minute course is designed to address hazard controls when setting up a canning line, the canning operation, and the process of supplying and unloading a canning operation using powered industrial trucks. Learners will receive a certificate upon completion of the course.

This course is for: Brewery production managers and staff

Learning Outcomes

  • Recognize noise levels that require hearing protection
  • Design precautionary measures when handling hazard cleaning chemicals
  • Define maximum pressure levels for pressure-rated vessels
  • Evaluate the need for machine guarding on canning equipment
  • Outline energy that needs to be locked out when performing maintenance activities

Beverage Producer Member Price: FREE

All Other Member Price: $15

Nonmember Price: $20

This 30-minute course is designed to address hazard controls when setting up a bottling line, bottling operation, labeling, and supplying and unloading bottles using powered industrial trucks. Learners will receive a certificate upon completion of the course.

This course is for: Brewery production managers and staff

Learning Outcomes

  • Recognize hazards associated with handling cleaning chemicals
  • Utilize ergonomic principles when lifting packaging materials and equipment
  • Evaluate the need for machine guarding on bottling equipment
  • Evaluate the principles of a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI)

Beverage Producer Member Price: FREE

All Other Member Price: $15

Nonmember Price: $20

This 40-minute course is designed to address hazard controls when working with chemicals, pressurized kegs, and near hot surfaces and liquids when cleaning kegs. Learners will receive a certificate upon completion of the course.

This course is for: Brewery production managers and staff

Learning Outcomes

  • Evaluate safe practices when handling cleaning chemicals
  • Interpret chemical information on safety data sheets and labels
  • Define maximum pressure levels for pressure rated steel kegs

Beverage Producer Member Price: FREE

All Other Member Price: $15

Nonmember Price: $20

This 25-minute course is designed to address hazard controls when setting up a keg filling operation, filling kegs, and using powered industrial trucks to move kegs. Learners will receive a certificate upon completion of the course.

This course is for: Brewery production managers and staff

Learning Outcomes

  • Describe hazards associated with handling cleaning chemicals
  • Utilize ergonomic principles when lifting or moving kegs
  • Recognize symptoms of CO2 overexposure
  • Define the maximum pressure to apply to pressure-rated vessels when moving finished product to the keg filler

Stay Safe!

Each brewery environment is unique. All brewers should conduct periodic hazard analysis in order to establish safety practices that address the challenges found in their brewery. Establishing a sound safety program is an ongoing process that utilizes a vast array of resources and information. The BA Brewery Safety Training should serve as one element in a comprehensive safety training program at your brewery.

The content in this series is intended for training purposes only. Material and situations depicted contrary to best practices are included for educational value only.

The Brewers Association welcomes comments regarding its current online training offerings and suggestions for additional topics to address in the future. Contact us to provide feedback.