The Brewers Association (BA) brewery safety online courses address the need for occupational safety and health (OSH) training in the craft brewing industry. In these short video courses, task-based instruction allows students to relate learning to their specific job tasks. Learners gain an understanding of how to apply the principles of each specific OSH issue and recognize the hazards in their job tasks. A range of courses address different procedures based on where they are applied throughout the brewing process.
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Program Course List
Brewery Safety Training Course Bundle
Beverage Producer Member Price: FREE
All Other Member Price: $150
Nonmember Price: $280
This bundles includes six hours of safety training in brewery operations for production managers and employees. Each individual course offers a certificate of completion for safety documentation needs.
Courses may be purchased individually or at a bundled discount.
Brewery Safety Training Course Bundle Includes:
Individual Courses
Stay Safe!
Each brewery environment is unique. All brewers should conduct periodic hazard analysis in order to establish safety practices that address the challenges found in their brewery. Establishing a sound safety program is an ongoing process that utilizes a vast array of resources and information. The BA Brewery Safety Training should serve as one element in a comprehensive safety training program at your brewery.
The content in this series is intended for training purposes only. Material and situations depicted contrary to best practices are included for educational value only.
The Brewers Association welcomes comments regarding its current online training offerings and suggestions for additional topics to address in the future. Contact us to provide feedback.