The Brewers Association (BA) recently submitted comments to the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) on that agency’s Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on updating Rule 106 which governs promotional practices related to the sale and marketing of alcohol beverages.
According to the ABC, “…the Department is contemplating amendments to Rule 106 to update terminology, clarify certain provisions, remove unnecessary language, and address various modern business practices.”
Trade practices and the promotion of a fair and equitable marketplace have always been high priority issues for the BA. Similar to the BA’s comments to the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau on its request for input on trade practice issues, category management and tied-house issues are longstanding concerns while the emerging issues related to third-party providers and crossover products (where a well-known non-alcohol brand is used to create an alcohol beverage) also bear careful scrutiny.