Brewers in Washington are facing a challenge to lower the blood alcohol content (BAC) level for DUI to .05% (S.B. 5067). Opposing these measures is delicate, but the data showing that the lion’s share of fatal vehicle crashes involve at least one person who is over the current .08% level, and the largest percentage of those over that legal limit are well over, at .15% or more.
Bill Introduced in Washington to Lower the Legal Limit for DUI Offenses

Sam DeWitt works state government affairs for the Brewers Association, and has lobbied craft beer bills from the east coast to Hawaii, on a wide range of topics from franchise reform and excise tax to self-distribution and direct-to-consumer shipping of beer. He has a Bachelor of Arts in broadcast journalism from the University of Montana and fell in love with craft brewing as an undergraduate in Missoula.
See Sam DeWitt's ArticlesLinks:

Sam DeWitt works state government affairs for the Brewers Association, and has lobbied craft beer bills from the east coast to Hawaii, on a wide range of topics from franchise reform and excise tax to self-distribution and direct-to-consumer shipping of beer. He has a Bachelor of Arts in broadcast journalism from the University of Montana and fell in love with craft brewing as an undergraduate in Missoula.
See Sam DeWitt's Articles