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Displaying results 3181-3190 of 3425

Duplicate License Bill Becomes Law

Signed into law by the Governor, A.B. 2010 imposes a maximum of six duplicate beer manufacturers licenses with retail privileges (not to include production), up to two of which may also include a bona fide eating establishment. In addition, beer …Read More

FDA Issues Revisions to Proposed Rule on Spent Grain

The federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has released a Proposed Rule Supplement guidance document which clarifies information concerning the handling of spent grain. Breweries that sell less than $2.5 million in animal feed will be exempt from the formal …Read More

TTB Expands Allowable Label Changes

The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) announced a further expansion to the list of changes that may be made to approved labels without requiring those labels be resubmitted to TTB for review. Read More

Small Brewer Excise Tax Legislation Adds More Co-Sponsors

Small brewer excise tax recalibration legislation, The Small Brewer Reinvestment and Expanding Workforce Act (Small BREW Act) continues to gain support in both chambers of the 113th U.S. Congress. H.R. 494 was introduced on February 5 by Representatives Jim Gerlach (R-PA) …Read More

Small Brewery Supporter Senator Martin Heinrich Visits Santa Fe Brewing Heinrich Santa Fe Feature

Small Brewery Supporter Senator Martin Heinrich Visits Santa Fe Brewing

Santa Fe Brewing Company President and Owner Brian Lock recently hosted Senator Martin Heinrich on a tour of the brewing facility. Representatives from the New Mexico Brewers Guild were also in attendance. During the tour the group discussed Santa Fe Brewing’s expansion plans that will increase production …Read More

TTB Offers Assistance to Earthquake-Affected Businesses

The federal Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) has announced it will consider waiving late filing, payment, or deposit penalties of excise taxes administered by the Bureau on a case-by-case basis for businesses affected by the August 24 northern California earthquake. TTB …Read More

TTB Launches Permits Online Tutorial

The Tax and Trade Bureau has developed a new online tutorial to assist those using Permits Online to apply for the type of permit, notification, or notice needed to start a TTB-regulated business or amend existing approvals. Read More

Displaying results 3181-3190 of 3425