Beer Style Guidelines

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Each year between February and March the Brewers Association updates the Beer Style Guidelines. Changes are not tracked from year to year.

Organizations or individuals that use the Brewers Association Beer Style Guidelines must be aware that they are updated yearly with significant changes including editing, deletion and/or addition of beer styles.

Therefore, Brewers Association recommends annual updates to products based on the guidelines.

Proper Use of Guidelines

Organizations or individuals that wish to use the Brewers Association Beer Style Guidelines as a resource or as the basis for products may do so as follows:

When Guidelines Content is Provided Free

Individuals may use by inserting the following verbiage in all print, web, app or other instances that reference the beer style guidelines, with the correct year inserted for 20xx:

  • Unchanged: “20xx Brewers Association Beer Style Guidelines used with permission of Brewers Association.”
  • With any changes: “Based on Brewers Association 20xx Beer Style Guidelines with changes. Used with permission of Brewers Association.”

When Guidelines Content is Provided for a Cost

Permission to use the Brewers Association Beer Style Guidelines is not granted when the end use is for a cost (that is, not provided free).

Additional information can be found at Brewers Association Beer Styles Guidelines page.

Resource Hub:

Beer Styles